The baby child Louis Marie Lèveil was born on 6th April 1884 at Laille in the Archdiocese of Rennes, France. His father Joseph Lèveil and his mother Julianee Lebine brought him up tenderly as he was the youngest of ten children. As he was so frail and weak, he was hurriedly baptized on the same day of his birth. The child recovered quickly by the mercy of God. He grew up in an edifying Catholic family and a peaceful natural environment. Since his childhood he loved the Immaculate Virgin Mary
Became a Jesuit
He realized his call to the priesthood through the Parish Priest and was admitted in the Seminary of the Archdiocese of Rennes. Later he was inspired by the talk given by a Jesuit Priest from Toulouse Province about the Madura Mission. Through deep prayer and reflection, he decided to join the Society of Jesus with the vision of becoming a missionary in India. He was admitted as a novice on 6th October 1906.
Handwritten by Fr. Leveil
முன் கூட்டியே மரணத்தை தொிவித்த பாதிாியாா் !
A report is given in French
49th Death Anniversary of the Servant of God Louis Leveil on 21st March 2022 at Sarugani.
Leveil Day Report – English 21st March 2022
45th Death Anniversary of the Servant of God Louis Leveil on 21st March 2018 at Sarugani.
A report is given in French on Leveil Day
Fin de l’enquête diocésaine sur le Serviteur de Dieu Louis-Marie Léveil
Des bretons sur les traces de leur grand-oncle, le Père Léveil, missionnaire en Inde
Beatification Process in Rome – Report
Cause of the Servant of God Louis Marie Léveil
Beatification Process in Rome – English
உரோமையில் அருளாளர் நிலை அறிவிப்புத் திருப்பணி – Tamil